
The Provencal Pompeii
  • Discover the Museum’s history An ethnological museum that traces the daily life of the inhabitants of the 19th and 20th centuries. Located in the heart of the city, the Museum was created under the impulse of the...
  • Challenge your friends at Provencal Game with Champions of Petanque, in the majestic Roman Arenas ! Pétanque the most popular tradition and game in the south of French that will make you feel like a Frejus...
  • Fréjus, 2000 years of History ! Fréjus was the first Roman military harbor of the Mediterranean coast. Nowadays it is a popular city of Art and Culture because of its numerous historical monuments to visit. Roman...
  • In the Footsteps of Roman Legionaries Escorted Tour by Legion VII Octavia  Intended for young and adults alike, this extraordinary visit is commented by a tour guide for the more curious. It is also animated by Roman...
  • Discover Esterel another way National Forest Office guides will supply you with all the details concerning the fauna and how to recognize the various species of trees and plants. There will be initiation into...
  • From ancient Rome to Romanticism, there is only one easy step along the way in Fréjus. Romanticism : an art, a philosophy. It is thought nature that romanticism expresses its sensibility, discovered through thoughts...
  • Discover Tourrettes, Hilltop Village Tourrettes, a picturesque Village 200m from Fayence (one of the 9 “Pays de Fayence” famous hilltop villages) is built on a hill about 20 km from the sea. In an incredible...
  • Michel’s Orchids Since 1886, the Vacherot family has been driven by a passion for tropical orchids. This tour leads you through the greenhouses where you will learn about the plant’s life cycle and how to grow...